VMDisk Capacity Alert Modification
I currently have Alerting and threshold configured for VMDiskCapacity using the PercentUsed Datapoint. Below is an example of the alert output. Is there a way to display disk capacity information in GB in addition to PercentUsed in the alert? My management asked if we can show the Drive Capacity size info for the disk being alerted on in addition to the percentage used. Thank you in advance for any assistance in this.
ID: LMD8649334
Please click the following URL to acknowledge the alert (or paste it to the browser)
Virtual machine filesystem [xxx] E:\ on VMware host vcenter.xxx.xxx.local#3 is now 90.0451 percent used, placing the filesystem into warn state.
This started at 2022-08-29 15:23:19 EDT, -- or 44h 6m ago.
Alert Rule: This alert matches the rule SysAdmin - Virtual Servers In vCenter Disk Usage
Alert has been sent to:
stage 1: Sys Admins
Recipients: Alert now is going to stage 1 recipients: Sys Admins