Service Insight - is there a way to create Service using REST API?
I am about to create bunch of Services under my Resources tree. Service is just another name for logical group of resources (e.g. devices) and instances supporting a common service or application and aggregate data across them to achieve service-level monitoring and alerting. OK, there is a bunch of steps to create a Service. It's easy once you get a grasp of it. But it is also very repetitive task and lots of clicks if you have to create hundreds of them. Is there a better mousetrap out there? Specifically, can I use REST API calls to create these Services? And I don't care whether one uses PowerShell, Python or Go language, is it possible? I searched API and SDK Documentation and the closest one I found is 'addDevice' REST API call. Service is nothing else than a device with deviceType 6. Alas, that seems to be a problem since the documentation only lists 3 types of devices (integers) that you can use when POSTing a new device.
0 indicates a regular device, 2 indicates an AWS device, 4 indicates an Azure device
Has anybody created a Service using REST API?