4 years ago
Receiving alert via webhook
I would like to alert when Cisco Air Marshal detects a rogue access point and found this Postman workspace,which indicates that Cisco will post to a webhook. I also found a href="https://communitie...
We don't support Push events yet, but we do support push metrics. https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/push-metrics/getting-started-push-metrics
So, you could post to the url with the payload whenever a rogue AP is detected. The value would be 1. What you'd see is:
1:00 - no data
1:01 - no data
1:02 - no data
1:03 - 1 <==this is when the rogue AP was detected and CAM pushed a value of 1 to the push metrics API endpoint
1:04 - no data
1:05 - no data
1:06 - no data
1:07 - no data
1:08 - no data
So you could set a threshold of >=1 and don't set a no data alert.