Forum Discussion

Pretzel's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
8 months ago

Powershell Datapoints

Sorry for spamming but i cant find a way to edit my post and i can reply to my post to add infor

My Second Question is regarding the configuration of datapoints.

Can some give me an example how to configure datapoints to pick up my values. Currently i tried this.

Metric type    Raw metric    Post Processor    Alert threshold    
IsAutoManaged    gauge    output    keyvalue(IsAutoManaged)    
IsOnCDrive    gauge    output    keyvalue(IsOnCDrive)    
OtherFilesExist    gauge    output    keyvalue(OtherFilesExist)    
PageFileDrive    gauge    output    keyvalue(PageFileDrive)    

My Test Datasource

# Clears the CLI of any text
# Clears memory of all previous variables
Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Initialize Variables
$TargetHostName = '##SYSTEM.SYSNAME##' + '.' + '##SYSTEM.DOMAIN##'
$CollectorHostName = $env:computername
$TargetUserName = '##wmi.user##'
$TargetPassword = '##wmi.pass##'
$DebugMode = $false

$ScriptBlock = {
    param (
    # Get pagefile information
    $pageFileInfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_PageFileUsage | Select-Object *
    $CompSysResults = Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem -Namespace 'root\cimv2'

    # Initialize variables
    $pageFileDrive = ""
    $isOnC = $false
    $isAuto = $false
    $otherFilesExist = $false

    if ($pageFileInfo) {
        $pageFilePath = $pageFileInfo.Name
        $pageFileDrive = Split-Path -Path $pageFilePath -Qualifier

        # Check if pagefile is on C: drive
        $isOnC = $pageFileDrive -eq "C:"

        # Check if pagefile size is set to auto
        $isAuto = $CompSysResults.AutomaticManagedPagefile

        # Output results
        Write-Host "PageFileDrive=$pageFileDrive"
        Write-Host "IsOnCDrive=$isOnC"
        Write-Host "IsAutoManaged=$isAuto"

        # Check for other files/folders on pagefile drive
        if ($pageFileDrive -eq "D:") {
            $otherItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $pageFileDrive -Force | Where-Object { $_.FullName -ne $pageFilePath }
            $otherFilesExist = $otherItems.Count -gt 0
            Write-Host "OtherFilesExist=$otherFilesExist"


if ($TargetHostName -eq $CollectorHostName)
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)
    #If WMI creds undefined - invoke remote command without creds, if not - create credential object and use it for authorization
    if (($TargetUserName -Match "wmi.user" -and $TargetPassword -Match "wmi.pass") -or 
        ($TargetUserName -eq "" -and $TargetPassword -eq ""))
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetHostName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)
        $TargetCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($TargetUserName, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetHostName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Credential $TargetCredentials -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)

Exit 0

Windows Cert

$Instance = '##WILDVALUE##'
$TargetHostName = '##SYSTEM.SYSNAME##' + '.' + '##SYSTEM.DOMAIN##'
$CollectorHostName = $env:computername
$TargetUserName = '##wmi.user##'
$TargetPassword = '##wmi.pass##'
$DebugMode = $false

$ScriptBlock = {
    param (
    if ($Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:LocalMachine -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.SerialNumber -eq $SerialNumber } | Sort-Object -Unique) {
        $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $Cert.NotAfter
        $DaysLeft = $TimeSpan.Days
        Write-Host "DaysLeft=$DaysLeft"

if ($TargetHostName -eq $CollectorHostName)
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)
    #If WMI creds undefined - invoke remote command without creds, if not - create credential object and use it for authorization
    if (($TargetUserName -Match "wmi.user" -and $TargetPassword -Match "wmi.pass") -or 
        ($TargetUserName -eq "" -and $TargetPassword -eq ""))
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetHostName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)
        $TargetCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($TargetUserName, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetHostName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Credential $TargetCredentials -ArgumentList @($DebugMode,$Instance)

Exit 0

  • I didn't go over all of that, and I'm not clear what the "Windows Cert" section is about?

    One thing that I did notice is that your Datapoints must be numbers. For example $isOnC would output True or False which will not work. Your code would need to convert that to numbers, for example something like this:

    $isOnC = if ($pageFileDrive -eq "C:") { 1 } else { 0 }

    You can still output text in the output, but LM will ignore them (but useful when using Poll Now)

    Also it looks like your code is doing a PSRemote session to the other server which then runs a WMI query on itself. Generally I would suggest just doing a direct WMI query from the collector itself using "Get-CimInstance -Computername" unless you have a specific reason to do it the PSRemote way. There is likely existing DataSources in LM that can you copy code from to see how.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Exactly. Your datapoint output has to be a number: integer, float, signed integer, signed float.