Forum Discussion
- Stephen_C
Thanks. I managed to get the following together which seems to work. I want to use it to monitor some remote devices. Thanks for the assistance!
import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.expect.Expect; import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.snmp.Snmp; import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.http.*; import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.jmx.*; import org.xbill.DNS.*; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.santaba.agent.util.Settings; hostname = hostProps.get("system.hostname") //hostname = "" mymtu = hostProps.get("")?.toInteger() ?: 1472 pingargs = '-n 4 -f -l $mymtu' timeout = 15000 // timeout in milliseconds try { def command_output = "ping ${hostname} ${pingargs}".execute().text //command_output = command_output.toString() //println command_output packetsSent = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Sent = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() packetsReceived = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Received = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() packetsLost = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Lost = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() roundtripMinimum = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Minimum = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() roundtripMaximum = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Maximum = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() roundtripAverage = (((command_output.findAll(~/(?<=Average = )\d+/)).toString()).replaceAll(/\[(\d+)\]/, '$1')).toInteger() println 'packetsSent=' + packetsSent println 'packetsReceived=' + packetsReceived println 'packetsLost=' + packetsLost println 'roundtripMinimum=' + roundtripMinimum println 'roundtripMaximum=' + roundtripMaximum println 'roundtripAverage=' + roundtripAverage return 0 } catch (Exception e) { println "Unexpected Exception : " + e return 1 }
- Anonymous
FYI, you don't need any of those imports. You're not using any of them, so importing them is a waste of CPU cycles.
- Stephen_C
Thanks for the tip, I didn't actually know that.
- Anonymous
Great that it's in Groovy. Makes it cross platform usable. I see now that you meant pinging devices that are already in LM (i thought you meant pinging devices outside LM). Looks like you should be able to use "" as your AppliesTo. Is that what you're doing?
- Anonymous
You could do a scripted datasource using powershell that invokes the ping command with the -l argument. I recommend a multi-instance script (not batchscript) datasource with property based discovery.
Meaning; set a property called ping.targets with a comma separated list of names/IPs you want to ping. Your AppliesTo becomes simply "ping.targets". Your Groovy discovery script would look like this:
hostProps.get("ping.targets").replaceAll(" ","").tokenize(",").each{ println(it + "##" + it) } return 0
Then your script would look like this:
$result = ping -l X ##WILDVALUE## # replace X with your desired MTU size # do something with $result to get the output to be a number representing what you want to know # write it out using Write-Host return 0
I'm not a powershell guy, so i'm not much help with the collection script. You'd need to take the result and manipulate it into one or more datapoints. Each datapoint would be written to the host using "Write-Host datapointname: Y" where datapointname is the name you want to call the datapoint and Y is the numeric value.
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