Hi Mike
I've been looking at testing this out but continually getting API response of 1041.
The properties get populated for the device but the datasources dont.
Any ideas what would be causing that?
[05/23/2019 11:45:36] API call: https://XXXXX.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/device/devices?filter=displayName:xxxxxxxx
[05/23/2019 11:45:36] Response code is 200
[05/23/2019 11:45:36] Deploying tokens of target app
[05/23/2019 11:45:36] Generating Oauth Form
[05/23/2019 11:46:19] Requesting Office 365 tokens
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Response: Token type: Bearer; Scope: ServiceHealth.Read; Expires in: 3600; Resource: https://manage.office.com
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Requesting Graph API tokens
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Response: Token type: Bearer; Scope: Reports.Read.All; Expires in: 3599; Resource: https://graph.microsoft.com
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Updating device properties, device id is 383
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] API call: https://XXXXX.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/device/devices/383?patchFields=customProperties&opType=replace
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Response code is 200
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Importing Office 365 datasource template.
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Importing DataSource.
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] API call: https://XXXXXX.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/datasources/importxml
[05/23/2019 11:46:20] Response code is 1041
...................... all imports give 1041