Did anybody else notice the ~44 new and ~5 updated modules around VMware dropping in the last hour or so? Does anyone know how to implement these new modules? Since there was talk of making the insta...
Here are some more details. We ended up having to build a dynamic group to turn off the “VMware ESXi *” set of dataSources. Unsure if the issue is a single DS or all hitting at the same time. we have 64 VMware hosts and 3 device PureStorage SAN under them. The utilization for the SAN devices tripled when these got turned on. I have a ticket in with LM to explore this issue with these. Went through the batchscripts with our virt team and nothing seemed out of place individually in terms of API/SDK calls being made. DS were installed at 2:12PM per the LM audit logs, performance started rising nearly immediately. My suspicion is that the wait queue for disk access started going up due to the volume of requests (10 DS x 64 hosts = 640 requests)
A handful of these are older DSs… most are from the new set.