Forum Discussion
5 years agoI got them all work but had to fix several bugs. Here is the list of bugs/fixes I reported (ticket 192561), but LM has not fully validated them. You might want to wait until LM releases newer versions. I also didn't verify all the data it provides (especially SP and ConfigSources).
- O365 Passwords with "$" and perhaps other symbols might have problems due to using double quotes instead of single quotes, change "##OFFICE365.PASS##" to '##OFFICE365.PASS##'
- Office365_SharepointOnline_SiteStatus appears to have the wrong AppliesTo, should be hasCategory("Office365") && office365.spoadminsite
- Office365_SharepointOnline_SiteStatus might show "More results were found but were not returned..." error, add “-Limit All” to the Get-SPOSite statements.
- Office365_Reports_OutlookEmailActivity always reports 0 received emails (I wish!). The code has “$count.Receive" instead of “$activity.Receive".
- Office365_Reports_OutlookEmailActivity and Office365_Reports_MicrosoftTeamsUserActivity gets 7 days’ worth of data and seems to pick only the oldest counts instead of the latest, other DataSources do a sort and picks the latest but these does not. You can copy the line from other DataSources.
- Office365_Reports_MicrosoftTeamsUserActivity might error with “The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available..."Adding "-UseBasicParsing" to the "$query = Invoke-WebRequest" line.
- Office365_Reports_OneDriveFileCounts is likely using the wrong API. It's using getOneDriveUsageAccountCounts but I think it should be getOneDriveUsageFileCounts API instead. Changing that seems to fix it.
- The instance-based DataSource have problems with large environments where it times out a lot, sometimes with "0" instead of "No Data".
See if any of these help, else you might want to try temporarily remove the "| Out-Null" stuff to see if there are errors that are being suppressed, or try adding -Verbose to commands. Or you might want to make sure the AzureAD App stuff is setup correctly. I had LM registered as an App a while back but the directions LM provided looks to match my setup.
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