method to expunge categories no longer applicable?
I have been trying to figure out a way to auto-remove categories added by PropertySources when they are no longer applicable (e.g., when something stops being an IIS server, SQL server, DHCP server, etc.). I have found recently this is an annoying problem as PropertySources-added categories live forever until manually removed and the modules cannot subtract AFAIK. OTOH, the method of adding a category is undocumented -- I only know about it from review of modules provided by LM, so perhaps there is a method that interprets a negation operator (like !) to remove the listed category?
I can think of other options, but they would require replicating what a PropertySource does and use the debugger (via API) to change system.categories. Would prefer to avoid that as it would be pretty complex and using the debugger that way always makes me cringe when I consider the security implications .