Forum Discussion

venkat's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
5 months ago

Meraki Access point Monitoring


We have Added Meraki Monitoring in LM,but the Access points IP are not static and they dont have any DNS entries created,we are seeing lot of Ping loss alerts as the IP's are dynamic and LM is still having the old IP .
Is there any way we can capture the dynamic ip's to avoid these false positives ,we cannot create dns entries for the same

  • We are actively working on making LogicMonitor resilient/adaptable to IP address changes primarily but not exclusively caused by DHCP-assigned IP addresses.  Currently, if you have Meraki Access Points and you can neither assign a static IP nor obtain the FQDN, you’ll need to consider automating updates to the system.hostname when the IPs change or stopping data collection for the ping DataSource for a dynamic resource group that contains these devices.

    Please contact me if you would like to participate in planning and testing of dynamic IP support.