Forum Discussion

Joe_Williams's avatar
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5 months ago

LM Logs Alert Tokens

We are looking at expanding into LM Logs and I am wondering are there any other hidden alert tokens?

We are looking at what structure of the message we can send, and there feels to be a lack of items for LM Logs. Is there a way to pull out some of the log fields as part of the message? The closest we found so far is ##logMetaData## which gives us a json string of our custom fields.

For future parties here is a little more detail.

##datapoint##Log Pipeline Alert Condition Name
##datasource##LM Logs
##dsdescription##Raw Log Value
##dsidescription##Raw Log Value
##instance##Log Pipeline Name
##threshold##Log Pipeline Alerting Condition
##logMetaData##Log metadata fields included in alert from Pipeline Alert Conditions
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