Forum Discussion
4 years agoI would ask support if they can get you a copy of one of the old DataSources as they do most of the work. I switched jobs so I no longer have a copy myself.
Some generic suggestions:
- Don't suggest coding thresholds in DataSources directly, instead provide values that LM can set thresholds on. For example don't code QuoteWarning as 0=ok, 1=almost at warning, 2=over quota. Instead do something like RemainingBeforeQuotaWarning (size minus quota) or RemainingBeforeQuotaReadOnly that you can setup LM to what warning level you want. You then don't need to worry about quota or mailbox size changing.
- Connecting to MS will sometimes time out, so you might want to code multiple attempts to login in the code
- If the script takes too long (>2 min default), LM will kill the script which will leave the session option to MS. MS will only allow 3 at once, so you may want to keep it only open as long as needed and perhaps kill any existing session before starting. Also keep that in mind while testing.
- If you use PSRemoting and the script doesn't close the connection (or LM kills the script), it will leave some temp files behind which can very slowly fill up the collector's drive. Not sure if this applies for M365 connections.
- If you turn on Multi Instance but don't provide an autodiscovery script, you can add needed instances via Add Monitoring Instance in the Resources page. Rather then say hardcode service accounts in an autodiscover script.
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