11 months agoIssues with Set-LMWebsiteGroup
I'm working with the lm-powershell-module and I'm able to get all my website information and the groups id's but when I try to update the group information so I can bulk move websites nothing seems to happen. I have tried many different ways such as:
Set-LMWebsiteGroup -Name 'CNVPABACUSS252/Servicing/Loan' -ParentGroupName 'Production/Internal/DevOps/Individual Nodes/Abacus Sync'
Set-LMWebsiteGroup -Name $ -ParentGroupName 'Production/Internal/DevOps/Individual Nodes/Abacus Sync' -ParentGroupId 77
Set-LMWebsiteGroup -Id 3526 -ParentGroupId 77
I'm sure my syntax is not correct somewhere, but I'm drawing a blank on what it is.
Thanks for your help.