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DanB's avatar
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5 years ago

Is it possible to have two collector instances on one box?

I was wondering is it possible to have 2 collector instances running on the same box? Asking this b/c monitoring SQL Server requires the collector to be running as the actual Windows User that has ...
  • Anonymous's avatar
    5 years ago

    Ah, ok, I think see. You have certain devices monitored by the collector, Collector01, which is running with credentials that won't work for those devices. So you'd like to move the work of collection onto another Collector instance that is running with different credentials required to monitor those devices. 

    If that's an accurate understanding: the short answer is still no. You can't have two collectors running on the same box because they'd both try to bind to the same TCP ports for receiving data in response to queries. The answer would be to spin up a VM (either on Collector01 or, if Collector01 is a VM, on the same host as Collector01). This would give each collector the ability to run with different credentials and each would have their own TCP/IP stack to which they could bind listeners.