birchall wrote:
im dont want to have to relearn an entire programming language so that i can code for logic monitor in groovy.
You and me both. Everybody please ask LM to support Python natively.
birchall wrote:
Does any one have any advice on getting started with using python scrips along with LM? And in the example above.
In addition how should I return the data to LM to read? If i have 3 certs all with different expiry dates, how do i split that in to 3 separate alerts?
Running anything other than Groovy or Powershell is actually quite easy. Your collector just need to know how to run it. For Windows boxes, that means making sure that the user that's running the service knows how to execute .py files. For Linux, it means putting an appropriate shebang line at the beginning of your script, pointing to the python executable.
I do this all the time as Python is my primary language and I only started learning Groovy/Java when i started at LM. Let's start with the basics: What OS is your collector? Is Python installed? If you put the script on the collector and just call the file, what happens?