Forum Discussion

AdamC's avatar
4 years ago

Insert bits of info from config source into DifferenceTest alert message

We are using config sources through LogicMonitor to capture changes to network devices.  What we are trying to do is capture some text when the data point DifferenceTest has thrown an error.  Right now DifferenceTest error looks like this in the alert message:


Alert Message: LMDzzzzz warn - 192.168.xx.xx IOS Configs-running-config DifferenceTest
ID: LMDzzzzz
Host: 192.168.xx.xx
Configsource: IOS Configs-running-config
InstanceGroup: @default
Configcheck: DifferenceTest

Level: warn
Start: 2021-04-09 14:58:11 MST
Duration: 2278h 14m
Reason: A change was made to the configuration file
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When I look at the output on this alert or when we get the email from LM per alert routing, I see the above, when I look at the configs, part of what I see in the first few lines is;

! Last configuration change at 12:48:31 PST Thu Aug 29 2019 by zzzzzzzz
! NVRAM config last updated at 12:49:13 PST Thu Aug 29 2019 by zzzzzzzz

Is it possible to modify the alert reason?  Above and beyond "A change was made to the configuration file" and inject a few lines from the config file into the alert for DifferenceTest?  This would let my us see who made the change in the config when it's been captured and spotted by the differencetest.


Ideally what I'd like to see in the output is the Reason modified, or some kind of output appended somewhere, but in the alert we get, to add the above comments into the output.


Thank you in advance.

1 Reply

  • Anonymous's avatar

    As far as I know, this isn't possible today. The best you could do would be a workaround and it would not be very pretty and wouldn't fully meet your needs.

    This isn't the first time it's been asked for. I would suggest you reach out to your CSM and have them submit a feature request.