Forum Discussion

mmatec01's avatar
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4 years ago

How to get a list of local deprecated DataSources

So I decided to do a little housecleaning and pulled up the LogicMonitor support article that lists LogicModule changes (including New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules) which are announced for each LogicMonitor release.  There is also a table that tracks the LogicModules that have been deprecated over the last five releases.  OK, great.  Went top to bottom and removed deprecated modules, where applicable.  But here's the question.

I know we have a ton more of deprecated DSs since we have gone through multiple releases.  How do I locate them?  I tried to pull down list of DataSources from our account using REST API v2. This works great unfortunately the parameter related to DS status, ie module status is not listed.  Any advice?

  • As @djAesthetic alluded to,

    Currently this would be handled through the Module Toolbox, using the Support filter and setting it to “Deprecated” will return deprecated modules in the search results. Without any other filters applied, this would return all deprecated modules within a given portal.

    I just sandboxed within my own portal and found this filter was working as expected, should anyone run into issues with the filter I’d recommend opening a chat or support ticket with LogicMonitor to investigate further.

  • As @djAesthetic alluded to,

    Currently this would be handled through the Module Toolbox, using the Support filter and setting it to “Deprecated” will return deprecated modules in the search results. Without any other filters applied, this would return all deprecated modules within a given portal.

    I just sandboxed within my own portal and found this filter was working as expected, should anyone run into issues with the filter I’d recommend opening a chat or support ticket with LogicMonitor to investigate further.

    Ah!! The missing component is the Support filter. Before you said anything I was mistaking that for the Support row. You have to manually go in to filters and enable Support as an option before you can filter against it. That works!!!

  • (2) years after the fact and no replies. Eek!!!

    Currently trying to answer the same question. For some reason in My Module Toolbox it won’t allow you to sort by Support column so highlighting all Deprecated modules is a very manual process. (A process none the less, but very manual and time consuming.) Perhaps this would make for a good feature request.