Forum Discussion

lucjad's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
9 months ago

How do I clean up old warning messages?

Logic Monitor is still giving me warnings about the removed database even after running Active Discovery. 

  • SQL Server Databases is not setup to auto delete instances, so Active Discovery will not change it. I assume this is by design to let you know that the database was deleted (by mistake or not).

    You can manually delete the instance by going to the "SQL Server Databases" entry in the tree then go to the Instances tab. You can then find the specific database there and Delete Instance from there. If the DB is really gone it should not come back. Note that you will lose all history once it's deleted. If you want to keep the past data you can Disable Instance instead.

  • Ajay's avatar
    Icon for LM Champion rankLM Champion

    Hi lucjad,

    Issues like this should be raised as a case with the support team who can be reached via chat or ticket via your portal. I would encourage you to do that.


  • SQL Server Databases is not setup to auto delete instances, so Active Discovery will not change it. I assume this is by design to let you know that the database was deleted (by mistake or not).

    You can manually delete the instance by going to the "SQL Server Databases" entry in the tree then go to the Instances tab. You can then find the specific database there and Delete Instance from there. If the DB is really gone it should not come back. Note that you will lose all history once it's deleted. If you want to keep the past data you can Disable Instance instead.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      This is the right answer.

  • I am getting a warning about database that is not in SQL Server anymore- it was deleted. Active Discovery in Logic Monitor didn't clear the warning. 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Mike's answer above answers this. If the instance exists in LM but doesn't exist on the target system, it needs to be deleted. This particular LogicModule isn't set to automatically delete the instances, so you'll need to delete them manually by following Mike_Moniz 's instructions above.

  • Can you provide additional details? What DataSource or module are you having trouble with? You can likely see which it is by clicking on the "Edit Global Definition" link. A (redacted) screenshot may also help.