2 minutes ago, Michael Rodrigues said:
@Austin Culbertson it's possible, but I don't have any examples handy. You need to make sure you clean up any threads you spawn.
Might be able to get started with this:
If you have Service Insights, you could aggregate that data there across your 16 hosts.
Unfortunately, Service Insights is not an option for us, as we would need to configure on the order of 1000+ Services, each with maybe only 1-4 instances for data being aggregated. Not really an option for us, unfortunately (I've spent a lot of time banging my head against this particular wall :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> )
Do you know what library plays nicely in this case? Is GPars the right one? I'm just trying to find something that will work -- would be best if it's something that works natively with existing libraries (though it shouldn't really be a problem if not).
[edit] Herp, I forgot to read the Stack Overflow -- sounds like maybe going straight Java might be best. I'll see if I can work with this -- Thank you!