Forum Discussion

asikarwar's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
6 hours ago

Extract Instance Level Alert Expression


I am making massive number of API calls due to the high number of devices and instances in LogicMonitor to Extract Instance Level Expression for each device (VM type).

I have all Global alerts but there many devices where we have Instance level alerting.

Currently I am using following API to extract instance level alert expression.

I have over 26000 devices, to iterate all the devices followed by data sources and eventually instances takes millions  of API calls is there any other way we can pull this information. I would need this data every month.

I do not think there is something like bulk API endpoints where I can pull larger datasets in a single call.

Nor there is Webhooks/Alerting Data Streams where instead of pulling it pushes updates about alert configuration at instance level.

I cannot query just Device Groups as instance level alert expression are found only at Device level.

Has anyone had this requirement before, any solution or alternative?



  • Have you tried using the Alert Thresholds report with the "Only show custom thresholds" option enabled?