Forum Discussion

danmassa7's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
3 months ago

Elasticsearch and OpenSearch

I would like to monitor our ElasticSearch nodes.  Actually, it's OpenSearch, but hopefully that doesn't matter.

I have confirmed the server is listening on tcp/9200.

It looks like for the Elasticsearch_Cluster_Health_Status module to start working it needs hasCategory("elasticsearch") to return true.

It seems the easiest way for that to happen is for the addCategory_Elasticsearch module to detect it's an Elasticsearch device and add the "elasticsearch" category automatically.

What do I need to do for addCategory_Elasticsearch to work?  It looks like it runs a script called "elasticsearch.api.port"  What's that? 


  • I believe I found the solution myself.  

    If I simply add the property to the device elasticsearch.api.port="9200" then the addCategory_Elasticsearch will fire off and run.

    It still doesn't add the category "elasticsearch".  This is probably because if I run either command directly from the server...

    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health"

    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health"

    I get failures to connect.  My server probably needs a username/password.

    Does anyone know if there is a property like elasticsearch.password or elasticsearch.username that can be used on the device?

    Does LogicMonitor intend for us to run our ElasticSearch servers with no username/password?  That would be weird!




    • Joe_Williams's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      In checking the datasource it doesn't appear to currently have the option for a user or pass.

      url = "http${use_http ? "" : "s"}://${host}:${port}/_cluster/health"
      http_client = url.toURL().openConnection()
      http_client.with {
          doInput = true
          requestMethod = 'GET'
          raw_response = content.text

      From a quick google search tho, it appears OpenSearch supports Basic authentication.
      First verify that works for you with something like this.
      curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true -u admin:admin --insecure
      Changing the first admin for your user and the second admin for your password with a colon (:) in the middle.

      If that works, you can clone the current module and we can make some adjustments.

      Under where it defines host on line 7 you can add something like this

      username = hostProps.get("elasticsearch.api.username")
      password = hostProps.get("elasticsearch.api.password")
      // Encode credentials in Base64
      def basicAuth = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("${username}:${password}".getBytes("UTF-8"))

      Then you can change the http client section to something like this

      http_client.with {
          doInput = true
          requestMethod = 'GET'
          setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth)  // Add Basic Auth Header
          raw_response = content.text

      Now I would adjust the applies to as well to check for the user/pass properties otherwise this will break on servers that don't need it as we didn't add in error checks.
      I would also either disable the stock one, or adjust the properties in the cloned one so it only applies to this opensearch server and the default one doesn't keep trying.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    The ElasticSearch node does not respond to anonymous or basic authentication.  It is part of a Graylog installation and I think it put in certificate-based auth exclusively.  I have to figure out how to enable basic auth.

    That will take a long time.  I'm not a linux person.  Maybe someday!

    Thanks again.