Forum Discussion
8 months agoLM Champion
This can be done, i used the following as an uploaded PS script to run and then used a guage to alert on the output. There should be a way of not doing it as a uploaded script but see the code below as your starting point.
Hope this helps.
Function Get-CRLFreshness {
Checks the Validity/Freshness of a CRL from the provided CRL Distribution Point (CDP) provided.
Downloads and examines the CRL from the provided CDP. Sends e-mail alert if CRL is expired or expiring (past next publish or less than an hour value provided)
Get-CRLFreshness -CDP
Performs a CRL Freshness check against the CDP URI provided.
Get-CRLFreshness -CDP -ServerIP
Performs a CRL Freshness check against the CDP URI provided with an override server IP. Direct IP connection, will not use DNS for server lookup. Useful to directly check a web server behind a load balancer.
Get-CRLFreshness -CDP -WarningHours 1
Performs a CRL Freshness check against the CDP URI provided and an override warning period. Overrides the NextCRLPublish extension if present.
Get-CRLFreshness -CDP -ServerIP -WarningHours 5
Performs a CRL Freshness check against the CDP URI provided with an override server IP and override warning period.
Get-CRLFreshness -Batch -InputFile C:\Admin\CRLChecks.csv
Loads an input CSV file and performs a batch CRL freshness check. All options above available in batch mode. Warning, No input error checking performed.
---- Batch CSV Inputfile Example ------
Baltimore CyberTrust Root,,,120
The IP of the Server to be checked. Allows the bypass of load balanced virtual IP's to directly query the Web Server
.PARAMETER WarningHours
The number of hours to give a warning if "Next CRL Publish" is not available or you wish to override it.
Name of the log file to log to. Defaults to .\CRLFreshness.log.
Name of the temporary CRL file that is downloaded.
Sender Email Address for Mail Notifications
Receipients Email Address for Mail Notificaitons
Mail Server to submit mail to (assumes no relay required)
# Configure the Commandlet
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,Position=0,ParameterSetName = "Single")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$CDP,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,Position=1,ParameterSetName = "Single")][ValidatePattern("\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b")][string]$ServerIP = $Null,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,Position=2,ParameterSetName = "Single")][Int]$WarningHours = 0,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Batch")][Switch]$Batch,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Batch")][String]$InputFile,
[string]$Logfile = ".\CRLFreshCheck.Log",
[string]$TempFile = ".\TempCRL.crl",
[string]$MailFrom = "CRL Freshness Check Script <>",
[string]$MailTo = "Receiver Address <>",
[string]$MailServer = "")
# Begin the Commandlet
Begin {
$ReturnObject = @()
$LogTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm"
$Now = (Get-Date).ToLocalTime()
#$Now = Get-Date "5/4/2016 9:00:00 PM" # Uncomment to manually set the date and time to confirm email and reporting behaviour
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t----- Begin Processing -----"
If ($Batch) {
$CDPPaths = Import-CSV $InputFile
$Count = $CDPPaths.Count
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `tInput Mode: Batch $Count Paths"}
Else { Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `tInput Mode: Single"}
# Main Program
Process {
# If we are in Batch mode, loop through each CDP entry otherwise just check the passed CRL.
If ($Batch) {
ForEach ($Entry in $CDPPaths) {
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t--- CDP $Counter ---"
$CDP = $Entry.CDP
Write-Progress -activity "Processing CDP Paths" -status "Processing $CDP`: " -percentComplete (($Counter / $Count) * 100)
$ReturnObject += Get-CRLFile $Entry.CDP $Entry.ServerIP $Entry.WarningHours $Counter}
} #End If
Else {$ReturnObject = Get-CRLFile $CDP $ServerIP $WarningHours 0}
} # End Process
# Tidy Up
End {
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t--- Finished Processing ---"
Return $ReturnObject
} # End End
} # End of Get-CRLFreshness Function
# ---- The Primary Get-CRLFile Function ----
Function Get-CRLFile ($CDP,$ServerIP,$WarningHours,$Counter){
# Start with some logging
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] Begin CRL Check of $CDP"
# Build our Custom Status Object to Return
$Result = "" | Select-Object "CDP","Status","Description","HoursTilExpiry","Issuer","AKI","ServerIP","DownloadOK","ValidFrom","ValidTo","NextCRLPublish","CurrentDate","BaseCRL","HashAlgorithm","CRLNumber"
$Result.CDP = $CDP
# Grab the CDP Host Header from the CDP Variable
$HostHeader = ([System.Uri]$CDP).Host
# If we recieved a ServerIP Address, Extract the Host header and update the CDP Path. This will override DNS lookup so we can query load balanced web servers. Log how we are performing the server lookup
$CDP = $CDP -Replace ($HostHeader,$ServerIP)
$Result.ServerIP = $ServerIP
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] CRL Download Direct from IP $ServerIP"}
Else {
$Result.ServerIP = "Via DNS Lookup"
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] CRL Download via DNS Lookup"
# Attempt to download the file from the server
Try { Invoke-WebRequest $CDP -Headers @{Host = $HostHeader} -OutFile $TempFile}
Catch {
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tError: `t[$Counter] CRL Download Failed from $CDP. Unable to check freshness"
$Result.Status = "NoDownload"
$Result.Description = "NoDownload - Failed to download CRL"
$Result.DownloadOK = $False
If ($Result.Status -ne "NoDownload"){
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] CRL Downloaded Complete"
$Result.DownloadOK = $True
# Open the CRL as A Byte file and then convert to Base64
$CRLContents = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $TempFile -Encoding Byte))
# Create a X509 CRL Object and Intiliaze all of the CRL data into It
$CRL = New-Object -ComObject "X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRevocationList"
$CRL.InitializeDecode($CRLContents,1) # 1 = XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64
# Grab the current ValidFrom/ValidTo Extensions
$ThisUpdate = ($CRL.ThisUpdate).ToLocalTime()
$NextUpdate = ($CRL.NextUpdate).ToLocalTime()
# Attempt to grab the Next CRL Publish Date Extension
Try {
$NextPublishExtension = ($CRL.X509Extensions | Where-Object {$_.ObjectID.Value -eq ''})
$NextPublishData = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($NextPublishExtension.RawData("1")))
$NextPublishData = $NextPublishData.Remove(0,2) # Strip the first 2 bytes (type and length)
$NextCRLPublish = [DateTime]::ParseExact($NextPublishData,"yyMMddHHmmss\Z",$null)
$NextCRLPublish = $NextCRLPublish.ToLocalTime()
Catch { $NextCRLPublish = "Not Available"}
# Attempt to grab the CRL Number Extension
Try {
$CRLNumberExtension = ($CRL.X509Extensions | Where-Object {$_.ObjectID.Value -eq ''})
$CRLNumberExtensionData = $CRLNumberExtension.RawData("4")
$CRLNumberExtensionData = $CRLNumberExtensionData -Replace(" ","")
$CRLNumber = $CRLNumberExtensionData.Remove(0,4) # Strip the first 2 bytes (type and length)
Catch { $CRLNumber = "Not Available"}
# Attempt to grab the AKI Extension
Try {
$AKIExtension = ($CRL.X509Extensions | Where-Object {$_.ObjectID.Value -eq ''})
$AKIExtensionData = $AKIExtension.RawData("4")
$AKIExtensionData = $AKIExtensionData -Replace(" ","")
$AKIExtensionData = $AKIExtensionData -Replace("`n","")
$AKI = $AKIExtensionData.Remove(0,8) # Strip the first 4 bytes
Catch {$AKI = "Not Available"}
# Update our Log
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] Beginning Freshness Checks"
If ($WarningHours -ne 0) {Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] Warning Hours Override = $WarningHours"}
# Compare against Next CRL Publish if it's present or generic 3/2/1 days unless WarningHours Override specified.
$HoursTilExpiry = [Decimal]::Round((New-TimeSpan $Now $NextUpdate).TotalHours)
# First check if We have simply expired
If ($Now -gt $NextUpdate) {
$Status = "Expired"
$Description = "Expired - CRL Expired by $HoursTilExpiry hours"
ElseIf ($WarningHours -eq 0) { # If there is No Override, use NextCRLPublish
If ($NextCRLPublish -ne "Not Available") { # If there is No Override and we have a NextCRL value, compare it with a 30 minute skew
If($Now -gt $NextCRLPublish.AddMinutes(30)) {$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Expires in $HoursTilExpiry hours"}
Else {$Status = "Fresh";$Description = "Fresh - Expires in $HoursTilExpiry hours"}
Else{ # If there is No Override and we don't have a NextCRL, compare it against 4,3,2 and 1 Day.
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tWarning: `t[$Counter] NextCRLPublish and WarningHours both missing. Performing 4,3,2 and 1 day comparison"
If($Now -gt $NextUpdate.AddHours(-24)) {$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Less than 1 day validity"}
ElseIf($Now -gt $NextUpdate.AddHours(-48)) {$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Less than 2 days validity"}
ElseIf($Now -gt $NextUpdate.AddHours(-72)) {$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Less than 3 days validity"}
ElseIf($Now -gt $NextUpdate.AddHours(-96)) {$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Less than 4 days validity"}
Else {$Status = "Fresh";$Description = "Fresh - Expires in $HoursTilExpiry hours"
Else{ # If we have a Override Warning hours, use it
If($HoursTilExpiry -lt $WarningHours){$Status = "Expiring";$Description = "Expiring - Expires in $HoursTilExpiry hours (override value is $WarningHours hours)"}
Else {$Status = "Fresh";$Description = "Fresh - Expires in $HoursTilExpiry hours (Overridden to alert at less than $WarningHours hours remaining)"}
# Populate the Return Object with more details
$Result.Status = $Status
$Result.Description = $Description
$Result.HoursTilExpiry = $HoursTilExpiry
$Result.ValidFrom = $ThisUpdate
$Result.ValidTo = $NextUpdate
$Result.NextCRLPublish = $NextCRLPublish
$Result.CurrentDate = $Now
$Result.Issuer = (($CRL.Issuer.Name).Split(",")[0]).Remove(0,3)
$Result.BaseCRL = $CRL.BaseCRL
$Result.HashAlgorithm = ($CRL.HashAlgorithm.FriendlyName).ToUpper()
$Result.CRLNumber = $CRLNumber
$Result.AKI = $AKI
# Update our Log
If ($Status -ne "Fresh") {
Write-Host "Attempting to send alert e-mail to $MailTo"
$MailSubject = "$Status`: CRL Freshness Check Failed for the CRL at $CDP"
$MailBody = ($Result | Format-List | out-string)
Try{Send-mailmessage -from $MailFrom -to $MailTo -subject $MailSubject -body $MailBody -priority High -dno never -smtpServer $MailServer -ErrorAction Stop}
Catch{Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tError: `t[$Counter]$Error Failed to to send alert e-mail to $MailTo"}
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tError: `t[$Counter] $Description"
Else {Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tSuccess:`t[$Counter] $Description"}
} # End of CRL Download If
# Close the log entry off
Add-Content $LogFile "$LogTime`tInfo: `t[$Counter] Finish CRL Check of $CDP"
# Return the Results
Return $Result
# --- End of Get-CRL Function ---
$currentDate = Get-Date
$ValidToDate = (Get-CRLFreshness -CDP "").ValidTo.AddHours(-6)
$currentDate -gt $ValidToDate
IIRC the original code came from a MS support engineer