One extra step at the end.
I made a clone of the config check that, instead of reaching out to the host to grab the config, it prints out the top few lines of a config I grabbed once, hard coded, but with ONE character on the line in question altered, at random 0-9, on the line of concern. Because I dont want to wait on the REAL config source to happen change once every 2 weeks to test it.
And while in test mode for the config source, I see the line changing that one character every time I hit play to test, once I apply this config source to my ONE applies-to target, it runs the random thing and give me my "fake config" but it NEVER EVER re-runs the script, seemingly, such that my line of concern changes.
Its always giving me the original run.
The code is 3 lines:
def myNum = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 10).toString();
print("#config-version=FGT61F-7.0.14-FW-build0601-240206:opmode=1:vdom=0:user=lm\n#conf_file_ver=542255083128888" + myNum + "\n#buildno=0601\n#global_vdom=1\nconfig system global");
return 0