Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
6 months ago

Collector v36

Make the decision carefully to upgrade to v36 or above of the collector. We've experienced some issues with stability.

  • The other day you mentioned the !tlist errors, which seemed to be hit-or-miss, because at least for me it wasn't the case.

    But I'm guessing you've found other things. Anything else to watch out for?


    • Anonymous's avatar

      We're seeing gaps in device data for all devices on a single collector. They happen at random times and on random collectors (all v36 or above). When it happens, santaba thinks the collector is up so it doesn't issue a collector down state. But the devices being monitored don't have data for up to 15 minutes, triggering a host status::idleinterval alert for every single device on that collector.

      • Lewis_Beard's avatar
        Icon for Expert rankExpert

        Any particular DataSource? Or is it every DataSource at the same time during the nodata period?