4 years ago
Cisco IOS-XR backups
It does not look like there is a Cisco IOS-XR config module to add for IOS-XR device backups. Maybe I'm missing something? Is there a way to do this with just groovy script maybe? A...
Assuming you've looked in the exchange and found nothing. Yes, it's pretty easy to get it to work. You'd do something like this (JSCH) or like this (Expect) to log into the device, issue the commands you need to grab the config, then use println() to output the config text to stdout. The main difference is that JSCH might take a bit of work to enter enable mode (it's built more for Linux systems than network gear, IMO). Expect would be more of a back and forth between your script and the device, so you can program in the cues and responses to get the config(s) you want.