Forum Discussion
On 3/18/2021 at 9:32 AM, Stuart Weenig said:There's a problem with your terminology that's likely contributing to the confusion.
Active discovery script is for discovering and creating instances. This has nothing to do with datapoints. Only the instance id, name, description, and instance level properties.
Your collection script should map to your datapoints. When testing the ActiveDiscovery script, you'd see the instance list, nothing to do with datapoints. When testing the Collection script, you should see the datapoints output.
Do you mean that only one property was brought in? If so, that's a problem. If you mean that only one datapoint was defined, that's fine, it's not part of #1. Check to make sure your properties are defined on those instances.
The only place I see "Properties" it is in the Collector Attributes Script.
Quote$properties = @(
# @{n='Thumbprint';e={$_.Thumbprint}},
# @{n='Description';e={"##Description##"}},
# @{n='Properties';e={"##Properties##"}},
# @{n='IssuedBy';e={(($_.Issuer -split ",") |? {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace "CN="}},
@{n='daystoexpire';e={($_.NotAfter - [datetime]::Today).Days}}
and I have the following datapoint:
Do I need more Datapoints?
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