Can I monitor vCenter tags and create an alert if a computer doesn't have one?
We use vCenter to manage our VMs. We have the hosts in LM. We currently have a process where we get an email every morning that has VMs that don’t have any tags. We use Tags to manage backup schedules and things so not having any tags is bad.
Anyway, I’m wondering if that’s something that we could use LM to monitor. I don’t need to confirm what the tag is, I just need to know if any VM doesn’t have any tags at all.
Is that something we can do with the build-in checks LM does or is that something that would have to be created by hand?
We’re working on adding tag categories and tags to each vCenter VM instance in a format something like this:
auto.vmware.vcenter.tag.TagCategoryName1 = TagName
auto.vmware.vcenter.tag.TagCategoryName2 = TagName
so, examples might look like:
auto.vmware.vcenter.tag.Environment = Production
auto.vmware.vcenter.tag.Application = MSSQL