Forum Discussion
I won’t say it was the best result, but it worked for the concerns I have. End result was to clone the PingMulti- datasource and modify it to only apply to a custom hasCategory that is attached to any collector needed. The groovy script is a very ugly line by line entry:
println("<ip1>" + "##" + "<description1>")
println("<ip2>" + "##" + "<description2>")
return 0
Reasoning was to give myself a neatly formatted list I could quickly skim and edit vs a messy array and loop or single use CSV. Having this info in a datasource also lets me replace, change or add collectors as monitor points with only needed the single system category and the list itself not be device dependent. I think Joe’s answer would have worked well enough but the environment and target devices we ping change just often enough or require multiple collectors to check.
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