Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
Icon for Professor rankProfessor
6 months ago

Bug Bounty Program

Who here would be interested in LogicMonitor setting up a bug bounty program?

I'm sure I speak for many... We don't mind spending my time reporting bugs, but it would be nice to get some kind of recognition. 

Maybe a red hat "Making Observability Fantastic Oncemore"

  • Anonymous's avatar

    I'm in. I'm already doing it without getting paid (or bugs fixed). 

    • David_Bond's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      I don't need paying.  I don't really need a hat.  I do crave the sweet, sweet karma.  But really, I just want the bugs fixed.  I'd have thought we all want the same thing.

  • I would love to see this - admittedly I'm not at the skill level to be able to contribute but I appreciate every helpful thing folks share on the community here and think a lot of good could come from doing this