BigNumber Widget or something similar that will use the Dashboard Timescale?
We had one of our Devs setup a self service daemon for use to provision some “things” and we are querying those numbers with an API. We currently have some hard coded (app side) data for Successful/Failed per hour and per 24 hours and we are using the Big Number Widgets. We also have some graphs that accurately display this same data on a time scale Based on the Dashboard Time Setting. Now for my question.
For the life of me i cannot figure out a way to get the Dashboard Time Scale setting to work with anything else outside of a graph. You’d think using the SUM or Max aggregate function would work but it doesn’t. Maybe its the way the data is coming over from this custom app.
The people that are looking at this data are complaining they don’t want to do the math off the graph to figure out how many success/fails happen in a given time period.