Forum Discussion

Lewis_Beard's avatar
2 months ago

AppliesTo Hostgroups issue?

I found a weird situation where I cant edit the AppliesTo on a dynamic group because one of the servers in it has a hosgroups string length of 257 instead of 255. Its almost like the UI fails to cut it off at 255 and so something seemingly unrelated (AppliesTo) fails.

Basically I cant even open and save the dynamic group definition, even if I change nothing. Weird. I guess I'm going to see if I can temporarily do something to that server to make it not fall into one of its groups and make my update and put it back. I just opened a support ticket but I expect I'll have to make my own workaround.

I'm just wondering if anyone stumbled across it before?

  • I realize now that I misinterpreted the error message. I had a description on a parent folder that used to be an acceptable length but apparently at some time was reduced to 255. I shortened that and all my subfolders are good. Whoops. :)

  • I realize now that I misinterpreted the error message. I had a description on a parent folder that used to be an acceptable length but apparently at some time was reduced to 255. I shortened that and all my subfolders are good. Whoops. :)