Forum Discussion
6 years ago
Ok I am getting "POST1553787894612[object Object]/sdt/sdts"
Here is my script:
// Get API credentials from environment variables
var api_id = pm.environment.get('api_id');
var api_key = pm.environment.get('api_key');
// Get the HTTP method from the request
var http_verb = request.method;
// Extract the resource path from the request URL
var resource_path = request.url.replace(/(^{{url}})([^\?]+)(\?.*)?/, '$2');
// Get the current time in epoch format
var epoch = (new Date()).getTime();
// If the request includes a payload, included it in the request variables
var request_vars = (http_verb == 'GET'||http_verb == 'DELETE') ?
http_verb + epoch + resource_path : http_verb + epoch + + resource_path;
// Generate the signature and build the Auth header
var signature = btoa(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(request_vars,api_key).toString());
var auth = "LMv1 " + api_id + ":" + signature + ":" + epoch;
// Write the Auth header to the environment variable
pm.environment.set('auth', auth);
Here is the post: {{url}}/sdt/sdts?type=DeviceGroupSDT&deviceGroupFullPath=Test&sdtType=1&startDateTime=1553400000000&endDateTime=1553425200000&dataSourceName=Ping
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