Forum Discussion

Henry_Steinhaue's avatar
2 months ago

Monitoring EMR Paragon

We have many different EMR systems that our Facilities use in their business.  

One of them is the EMR Paragon.   One of the items that we found to be helpful is to monitor certain Window Directories for the existence of any files that are more than a few minutes old.  That would mean that something may be broken that is not picking up those files and passing them to another business process.  

Is there an existing monitor of this type of action already in existence? Would you be willing to share that code?  

Thanks for sharing a method to do this test.  There are many directories that need to be tested and we need to create this in a general manner so we can do these checks. 

  • Looking at the LogicModule Exchange, there are a few community DataSources that might meet your needs or can be a basis of something custom. Like "Youngest File Age" and "Folder_Monitor". I haven't used them myself.