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gregoreilly's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
2 months ago

Least Privilege not showing full list of Windows Services

Using LogicMonitor in full admin mode (ie we connect with a service account with admin rights on the target windows server) has presented no issues. All metrics work perfectly, we can monitor ALL windows services.

We are now rolling out "Least Privilege" to 1000+ servers and followed the step by step documentation and used the PowerShell script to apply permissions. 

The WMI aspects of monitoring work ok. However when monitoring "windows services" we can only see a subset of services. It seems anything that is out of the box before we install applications or solutions like IIS, SQL, Oracle etc etc does not appearing the list. Its noticeably a smaller list.

Has anyone seen this in their environment? We are told there have been no other reports.

If we make the service account a local admin - all services appear perfectly.

In the documentation here: Windows Server Monitoring and Principle of Least Privilege | LogicMonitor there are 5 steps to eventually running a command "sc sdset scmanager...". This command also does not work. 

What are your experiences? have you seen the same issue and how did you overcome?

  • You already found the section that is about the special privileges that are required to work with NT services.
    If everything else is working apart from these, it is pretty likely you did a mistake while setting these ACLs.

    You can check if your user has sufficient privileges by starting a Powershell with that particular user on the target machine and see if you get output for following command:

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service
    • Müller_N's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Actually the most accurate test you could do is starting the same type of Powershell on the collector machine with that particular user and do a:

      Get-WmiObject -ComputerName <value of your system.hostname property> -Class Win32_Service

      • gregoreilly's avatar
        Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

        Slight issue we have here, is that we cannot logon to a server or impersonate a gMSA account. There is no password. However, all other metrics from windows work...just services do not list. We see a subset.(I guess those we have access too)

  • Yes... we're also working on this on a fresh deployment and running into some barriers.  I've reached out to LM to see if we can be a guiness pig for this effort.

    • Cole_McDonald's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      I've also been working a bit with Barb here and have made a little bit of progress thanks to her experience in this endeavor... it's still not scalable... especially in an MSP environment.

  • If you install other things after you've run the least priv script, you'll have to re-run the script to set the right permissions on the new services.

    LM appear to have released an update for it recently (you'll find it in the LM install folder on your collectors).  The change is to the Security Descriptors that are used to set the permissions on SC Manager and Windows Services.  Before that change, we weren't getting full info on service (like PathName - crucial for identifying SQL instances).

    We typically have the script pushed out via Group Policy so it re-runs regularly.  The script doesn't check that the correct permissions are already in place for SCManager and the Windows Services, so it applies duplicate permissions each time it runs.  We've had to write some code to this before the script makes any changes, so we don't end up with a lot of duplicates.  We've found it can get to the point where you can no longer make any further changes to SCManager/Service permissions as it hits a maximum security descriptor length.

    In coding this check, I found that the SDDL that the script is using seems to be translated into something else by Windows when applied.  So, even when we put in a check to prevent it duplicating permissions, it still configured duplicates.  I found that we had to use different SSDLs for SCManager and for Windows Servers, so have had to modify the script a little to use different descriptors:

    SSDL for SC Manager = CCLCRPRC
    SSDL for Windows Services = CCLCRPLORC

    What error are you getting when you try to use SDSet?  I've found it's usually due to trying to push a malformed security descriptor or, because of the duplicates created if re-running the script, because it can't accept any further updates.

    what do you get if you run sc.exe sdshow SCMANAGER ?

    If it's more than a couple of lines then you might have issues with duplicates as we did.

    Agree with this not really being scalable for an MSP environment.  We've made quite a few modifications so that it can be reliably run (and re-run) via Group Policy without causing problems.  I think I'd probably get shot if I shared it, but happy to answer any questions if I can help.

  • Worth also mentioning that we use gMSA accounts, these do not work with the section of the script as the powershell is looking up "principle" data to get the SID. So, we manually added the SID into the command line. Everything else works as far as we can tell, its just windows service monitoring that is not.....which is the most critical for us right now. We have no visibility of service health other than using process monitoring.

  • Script for what its worth:

    # Requires elevated privileges to run
    Param (
        [String]$SID  # Provide the SID to be appended


    # Function to update service permissions
    Function Set-ServicePermissions {


        # Get all services
        $services = Get-Service


        foreach ($service in $services) {
            Write-Host "[INFO]: Updating permissions for service: $($service.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan


            Try {
                # Get current security descriptor for the service
                $currentSDDL = & (Get-Command "$($env:SystemRoot)\System32\sc.exe") @("sdshow", $service.Name)


                # Append read access for the provided SID
                $newSDDL = $currentSDDL + "(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;" + $SID + ")"


                # Apply the updated security descriptor
                & (Get-Command "$($env:SystemRoot)\System32\sc.exe") @("sdset", $service.Name, $newSDDL)


                Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully updated permissions for service: $($service.Name)" -ForegroundColor Green
            Catch {
                Write-Host "[ERROR]: Failed to update permissions for service: $($service.Name). Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red


    # Call the function to apply permissions to all services
    Set-ServicePermissions -SID $SID

  • C:\>sc sdset PRTGCoreService D:(A;;CCLCRPLORC;;;AU)
    [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5:

    Access is denied.

  • Key Differences in SDDL
    PRTGCoreService does not have permissions for AU or AC, which might be why it cannot be queried via WMI.

    ClipSVC has permissions for AU (LCRP), meaning Authenticated Users can query the service state.

    Trying to fix the above gives is an error:

    sc sdset PRTGCoreService D:(A;;CCLCRPLORC;;;AU) 



    [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5:

    Access is denied.