Forum Discussion

DanB's avatar
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5 years ago

Why is there no filter in Import from LM Repository?

Hello, why is there no way to filter out the Datasource Repository items so i can find what i'm looking for easier?

I have to scroll thru 100's of DS's and hopefully find what I need. Each column should have a filter at the top so we can shorten this list. 

Can you add this please...


8 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    The new exchange features coming soon (after now and before later) will very much address this.

  • Glad to hear. Thanks for quick update Stu...


  • Stu, can you clarify one thing about the repository. What does each of the different status' mean and when you do a "Import from LogicMonitor Repository" does it list just "New or Updated" DataSources that are in our local repo and not ones that exist but have not updates?

    Do each of these mean:

    "New" - A new DS that doesn't exist in our local Repository

    "Updated - in use" - An Updated version of an existing DS that we are currently using in our repo

    "Updated - not in use" - An updated version of an existing DS that exists in our repo that is not in use


  • nice thank you... Just FYI that LM Doc page on the Repository shows a "Show Diff" but that isn't listed when you do an import. Is that an 2.0 thing? To show the diff you have to click on the Status column entry to see the diff page.


  • Anonymous's avatar

    Link me the LM doc page and i'll open a ticket for it to get corrected. Thanks!

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Ticket submitted. Thanks!