Forum Discussion

tk_baha's avatar
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4 months ago

Veeam SOBR Offload and Checkpoint removal monitoring

With recent updates to Veeam 12.2, checkpoint removal has been decoupled from the backup job and it now produces alerts within the veeam console when it fails. This is not detected in any current version of LogicMontiors Veeam modules. It also seems that the offload of backups when you have a SOBR configuration are not monitored by LogicMonitor's Veeam modules. We are finding this means we are blind to most of our customers offsite storage as we are not notified of offload failures or checkpoint removal. This means if an S3 bucket fills up in your capacity tier, but the performance tier is still working you will never get an alert in logicmonitor, as the backup job itself is successful, but the offloads and checkpoint removals will fail due to the bucket being at maximum capacity. The offsite copy will fall severely out of date as well since no new backups can offload or copy to capacity tier. We have had to fall back to email alerts to compensate for this. SOBR is the most common setup we see across our customer base these days, and I have a feeling it will only become more prevalent in the future. 

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