3 years ago
SDT Dashboard Widget
I would like to see a dashboard widget that can display upcoming SDTs. We have multiple sites and being able to show upcoming maintenance windows for things like circuits would be useful for onsite...
You need to populate the following properties on the device the DataSource is applied to:
[string]$accessId = '##LM.ACCESS.ID##'
[string]$accessKey = '##LM.ACCESS.KEY##'
[string]$company = '##LM.COMPANY##'
[string]$hostname = '##SYSTEM.HOSTNAME##'
[string]$dashboardId = '##DASHBOARD.ID##'
[string]$dashboardWidgetID = '##WIDGET.ID##'
Once those are set as properties, the script will actually run with proper values. The fact that your get request still has "##companyname##" indicates that the task doesn't have a value for that property. system.hostname is the only one you don't need to populate manually, that one is added by the system.