Forum Discussion
3 years agoCreate a Read Only API token. Make the note on the token something like "Used to populate SDT status". Copy the id and key to a temporary clipboard.
Add [yourportal] as a monitored device (if you haven't already).
Add, sdt_api.pass, and sdt_api.account as properties on that device. Use the values you copied earlier for the id and pass. For company use your portal name.
Create a property source that applies to all devices (true()). Use this script. I've tested the script, but haven't tested the whole propertysource.
import javax.crypto.Mac import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex import groovy.json.JsonSlurper Map credentials = [ "id" : hostProps.get(""), "key" : hostProps.get("sdt_api.pass"), "account": hostProps.get("sdt_api.account") ] deviceId = hostProps.get("system.deviceId") Map resources = [ "devices": ["path": "/device/devices", "details": ["fields": "displayName,id,sdtStatus", "filter":"id:${deviceId}"]], ] resources.each() { k, v -> Map headers = generate_headers(, credentials.key, v.path) if (headers) { Map response = get_response(k, v, credentials.account, headers) if (response?.success) {resources[k]["data"] = response.response} } } Map groups = [:]{ statuses = it.sdtStatus.tokenize("-") println("${statuses[0]}") println("auto.device.sdt=${statuses[1]}") println("auto.instance.sdt=${statuses[2]}") } return 0 def generate_headers(id, key, path) { try { // Create encryption signature for authorization request Long epoch_time = System.currentTimeMillis() // Get current system time (epoch time) Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256") hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256")) signature = Hex.encodeHexString(hmac.doFinal("GET${epoch_time}${path}".getBytes())).bytes.encodeBase64() // return headers to main function return ["Authorization": "LMv1 $id:$signature:$epoch_time", "Content-Type": "application/json"] } catch (Exception err) { // If error occurred, print the error message println("ERROR: Unable to establish encryption for $path. Attempting next resource...\n${err.message}") } } def get_response(resource, parameters, account, headers) { try { boolean proceed = true // Boolean used to determine if additional pagination is required // Map to store query results for each endpoint. Contains a list to store actual returned values and a boolean to determine if successful Map results = ["response": [], "success" : true] add_query_parameters(resource, parameters) // Add initial offset and size values to appropriate categories (skips metrics category since it's stagnate) while (proceed) { // Used for paginating through all availabe results. Grabs 1000 at a time and moves offset if another query is required. Map query = query_resource(account, parameters, headers) // Query each API endpoint for a response (Should receive as Map) // If the response was successful (including status and error messages), proceed to printing results if (query && query?.data && query?.status == 200 && query?.errmsg?.toUpperCase() == "OK") { if (resource != "metrics") { results.response.addAll( // Add all the data items found to our results map data list if (query?.data?.items?.size() < parameters.details.size) { // If we received less than 1000 results proceed = false // There is no need to execute another API query with a shifted offset } else { // Otherwise parameters.details.offset += parameters.details.size // Shift the offset to start 1000 numbers from current position } } else { results.response = // Add all the data items found to our results map data list proceed = false // We've successfully queried all values. End while loop } } else { // If response was not successful, print eror message for each category that failed and continue to next endpoint // If response error and status can be determined, print them. Otherwise, use UNKNOWN println("ERROR: Failed to query $resource API Endpoint...\n" + "${query?.errmsg?.toUpperCase() ?: 'UNKNOWN'} (STATUS: ${query?.status ?: 'UNKNOWN'})") results.success = false // Set success value to false since we failed our API query proceed = false // End while loop because of failure and proceed to next endpoint } } return results // Return results to main function } catch (Exception err) { println("ERROR: Script failed while attempting to query $resource API endpoint...\n${err?.message}") } } def add_query_parameters(category, parameters) { // Add size and offset field to map (only if collectors or admins category) if (category != "metrics") { Map query_details = ["size" : 1000, "offset": 0] // If there's already a details key in the details map if (parameters.details) { parameters.details << query_details // Append the query details information to the pre-existing details map } else { // Otherwise, create a details key and assign it the query details map as a value parameters.put("details", query_details) } } } def query_resource(account, details, headers) { try { // Configure request url from account, path, and authorization headers String url = "https://${account}${details.path}?${pack_parameters(details.details)}" // Return query response, converted from JSON to usable map return new JsonSlurper().parseText(url.toURL().getText(useCaches: true, allowUserInteraction: false, requestProperties: headers)) } catch (Exception err) { // If error occurred, print the error message println("ERROR: Unable to query ${details.path} for details.\n${err.message}") } } def pack_parameters(query_details) { // If additional query details are located in map, include them in url string List pairs = [] query_details?.each { k, v -> pairs.add("${k}=${v}")} return pairs.join("&") }
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- 8 months ago