Forum Discussion

DanB's avatar
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6 years ago

Please add an Inventory / List tab to RHS/Details Pane

Can you please add an Inventory\List tab on the RHS (right hand side) when we have a group selected. Its very annoying that I cannot just get a full list of all the objects in a group/folder quickly and easily thru the main GUI and have to do this thru a "Report"

When I click on a group I just want to see all the devices\items in that group on the RHS and have all the properties I choose to select to view for example:  name,ip,OS,mac,class type(computer/router/switch), etc.. Why is there no List/Inventory view OOTB in the GUI? I also need to be able to export the list quickly to any format, HTML, CSV, PDF so I can send a quick list report to whoever is requesting this. 

I don't want to have to go into Reports and then have to choose the group to run the report on. This is basic what's in this folder/group behavior.


  • Totally agree with you guys!

    This would be extremely useful.
    It'll improve a lot the productivity in case we need to grab a quick inventory list for a certain location or an entire client (which is requested a lot of times by our clients).

  • Bumping this as this is a must have for us. To have to go thru the horrible "Reports" interface to get an inventory list is very poor. As the Admin I know what I have to do to generate this inventory list but other uers will not. Every reqeust I get I have to re-configure the report, point to the specific client Group then run the report. My end users need to be able to get this info quickly by themselves. 

    If anyone else sees this request as a must have please chime in here. 


  • +1 This would be really handy :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">