Not speaking on behalf of anyone at LM, just a random guy who has worked with the backend of a lot on flow analysis tools, I'd be legit shocked if they changed this in product. Dropping the lowest 5% of conversations is an optimization strategy that is pretty common among flow tools, and most of them just bury it deep in some setting somewhere and users rarely stumble across it so they just never notice. I think the support person may have explained it wrong, unless LM implemented this in a really unusual way what usually happens is not that the bottom 5% just don't get displayed, the bottom 5% are usually not even getting written into the database at all. In most cases dropping that last 5% of low volume flows records ends up reducing the actual number of flows you have to write to the DB and store by a huge amount, i've seen 100% collection increase the DB storage size by 80x compared to just keeping the largest 95% of conversations. There ends up being millions of little fragments of conversations that never amount to even 1kb of traffic, and the computational load to store and display them when they hardly even show up on a chart is usually not worth it for most people. The only tools I've seen that don't implement that kind of dropping strategy are selling monster appliances marketed as security solutions where every single byte gets tracked and there is no such thing as a budget constraint.