More AD "discovery schedule" time options dropdown selections
I've made a custom script datasource that mainly leverages Active Discovery (if any instances are found in the resultset, it alerts) and so I don't need the data collection interval at all--I just use a Datapump collector and alert on true, when instances are detected.
My datasource would benefit from additional "Discovery schedule" options that are < 15 minutes.
Run AD every 3 minutes, for instance, would be ideal.
Currently, the only dropdown selections are: (1) once per day, (2) once per hour, (3) once per 15 minutes, or (4) when the datasource changes.
I am using once per every 15 minutes, which is the highest resolution option that is currently available for instance discovery.
This work, but because my alerting simply depends on the presence of a resultset in the discovery routine of the datasource, then--at best--I am only "polling" for data/alerts every 15 minutes.
Thank you for considering this request.
- Joseph