Forum Discussion

dnull's avatar
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6 months ago

Monitor ConnectWise Integration Errors

We are having a sporadic issue with integration errors that is causing failures when trying to make tickets in ConnectWise Manage and are looking for a way to monitor the integration errors and send an email to our team upon failures. I cannot seem to find any way of monitoring the integration. Anyone else having similar errors and if so how have you handled it?

  • Anonymous's avatar

    I wrote a datasource that uses the API to query the integration logs endpoint and push the logs to LM Logs. Then i created a pipeline alert.

    Please request that LM make it so that the audit logs, integration logs, and collector event logs get pushed to LM Logs automatically. 

  • I haven't touch integrations in years and I no longer have access to the system with this setup, but if I recall correctly... What we did was have the ticketing/glue system immediately ACK all alerts once it generates a ticket. LM chains/rules were setup that if the alert was not ACK within a short time it will fall into another stage which would notify the team directly on alerts, which would let us know that the integration was broken (and still allow alerts to be worked). Kinda a indirect way to determine it.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Yes we do something similar. Our escalation chain posts first to the AI alert grouping tool (PagerDuty). If the grouping tool does not ACK all the alerts, the second stage sends directly to our ticketing system (no AI grouping of alerts). We have a 20 minute delay because we prefer grouping. That's also why we monitor the integration logs.