Forum Discussion

daniel_Briseno's avatar
9 years ago

Modify Alert trigger Interval on the Instance level

It would be great to have the granularity to be able to change the Alert Trigger Interval on an instance in the same way a threshold can be modified on an instance.

Example: Disk Usage on a netapp

There are 100 volumes but one of them needs to be over the threshold for a longer amount of time to cause concern. So the archive log volume will fill up no matter what space is allocated but it is not a concern as long as it is back below the threshold within 1 hour. A custom datasource will not work for this because we would like to alert immediately on all other volumes on this device when they go above the threshold.

  • 5 month bump... 

    Adding this capability to the Alert Thresholding Wizard is another way to go about doing this, which I'm fine with as well. Same concept--allow this at all levels from device groups to datasource instance. 

    One app I support doesn't give a rat's donkey if CPU is pegged at 100% for more than 30 minutes in the overnight hours, but another app owner want's to know if it's over 50% for 10 minutes. I don't know how to manage without angering one of these teams or juggling overlapping datasources. 

  • 19 hours ago, Clayman said:

    Bump. I cannot believe this isn't available yet. Most of my experience is with SolarWinds in the past & it has always had this capability.

    In my scenario, I've got some remote sites that frequently lose internet connectivity for several minutes. I do not want to trigger an alert each time this happens. I would like to be able to extend the Alert Interval for those specific sites so that they have to be down for e.g. 15 minutes or more before alerting.

    As a longtime SolarWinds user, they have NOT always had this capability innately. But they have always had a workaround similar to what is available to LogicMonitor--proliferate the number of logical objects you would have to maintain that controls alert trigger delays. In SolarWinds, this would be Alert Definitions. Not ideal. Hypothetically you could have used a component-level configuration field (notes or description) and used that in a complex SQL/SWQL-based alert definition to achieve this. Also not ideal. 

    In SolarWinds SAM, they have added (in the past couple of years) the ability to define custom alert trigger delays on a per component basis, natively. 

  • Anonymous's avatar

    There is an official feature request already in the system for this. It's currently gathering support as in, the product management team needs to know that many customers want this feature before they can prioritize it. Everybody pile on.

  • Bumping. Would love the functionality to tune trigger intervals at any level, similar to thresholds. 

  • IT would be very much appreciated, we already requested to our CSM too.