3 years ago
Manual topology mapping
After years of suffering with the horrific (and broken) topology mapping, how about just giving us the ability to create our own dependencies/maps, similar to The Dude or MangeEngine's OpManager?
>> Look in exchange for L3X4CH "Manual topology mapping"
Michael_BakerJust to make sure that I'm not being lame, you're saying there's a manual topology mapping module we can download from Exchange? I ask because in looking, I'm not seeing one.
That may be one way. Another way is to use the built in manual mapping option.
I did find that module in the exchange. It was built before LM had the aforementioned manual option. It's probably still valid though.
AnonymousYeah, I looked manual mapping -- but given more than 100 APs across multiple Unleashed Networks and locations, too much of a pain, and the chances of error are high ... with no way to update easily.
>> I did find that module in the exchange. It was built before LM had the aforementioned manual option. It's probably still valid though.
Do you still see it? Any chance you could shoot me the URL or pointer to it? I would love to use the part:
Set 'manual.upstream.deviceid' as a property, and give it the Device ID number(s) of the parent resource(s) separated by a comma.
as I suspect that will make all the difference in the world on this.
Yep, hence the "tedious" comment about manual mapping. I'd still recommend the learning bytes on the training portal. Despite being called "manual mapping" it's about mapping using scripts the same way this module does. I've not used the module, but it was written by a good friend who is capable. The pointer is L3X4CH. Gotta go to the module toolbox, then go to the exchange within there, then search by locator in the top right corner.