Forum Discussion

Andy_C's avatar
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4 months ago

File Size and Folder Monitor.

Hi All. I believe LM is missing an officially supported WinTel File and Directory management DS. It should include the following

File Count Monitor to count the number of files in a folder

File Size Monitor , aggregate of all files.

Last modified

File Exists

An example that would use all the functions would be something like Clearswift/MimeSweeper. An Internet facing Email gateway appliance. You would have incoming and outgoing folders as well as Quarantine and Delayed. The Folders selected need to be added via a 'monitored instance' leaving the original DS untouched.

  • Have you tried the UNC Monitor module? It works for our scenarios of gathering:

    • BytesInDir
    • BytesInVolFree
    • NumFiles
    • NumFolders