20 days agoDependent Alert Mapping - reviewing cleared alerts
I recently had an LM support ticket open for some confusion we had around the Dependent Alert Mapping feature. Wanted to document some areas for improvement here that would make the feature work better.
- Currently, when an alert clears which was processed by Dependent Alert Mapping, the "Routing State" and "Dependency Role" columns set to blank. This makes it challenging to go back and review alerts after an outage to see what was "Originating" vs "Dependent"
- Please update the feature so that these columns on the alert table are still populated after an alert clears. This will help us with reviewing and reporting on resolved outages
- Currently when an alert is suppressed by dependent alert mapping, the alert message contains a lot of useful metadata related to the alert suppression. But if the originating alert clears and the dependent alert is still active, all of that metadata is removed and there is no indication that the alert was ever suppressed by the Dependent Alert Mapping feature
- This causes confusion when we go back to review past outages. It makes it look like the feature did not work as intended, even if it did. Fixing this along with item #1 would make the feature a lot easier for us to use and understand what it is doing.