Forum Discussion
- mnagel
I have customers who really need this feature, and they are quite upset to learn the throttling stand-in could cause loss of knowledge about the actual root cause. This thread has been open since 2013. Exactly where on the roadmap is this?
I'm happy to say this is on our road map. I don't know much - in terms of how we'll configure it, the visuals, user experience, or timeline - but it will be one of the larger projects we focus on this year. Keep the requests coming - especially any specifics in terms of which problems a feature like this may solve!
Hi Annie,
this is good news...
From my point of view: It would be nice to create dependencies between targets across servers of other objects like routers, switches etc.
Example: An application is running on server A where it's database is on server B. If we have a critical (or fatal) alert on the database, i would like to see that this will also impact the application object. Same thing when there is a critical alert on a server, this is most likely to impact anything that is running on this server.
Or, if I take it to a network level: If a router is going down, it will for sure impact all servers connected to this router (which will impact anything on these servers or depending on these)
In case this happens I would expect a target to get in a specified state (i.e. "related warning" or "related error"). Sending out alerts (for the childs) on this would not always be required as long as the original alert (i.e. networkswitch went down) is cleary indicating the impact based on the child relations. Or just an alert which refers to the original issue.
Kind regards,
I'm happy to say this is on our road map. I don't know much - in terms of how we'll configure it, the visuals, user experience, or timeline - but it will be one of the larger projects we focus on this year. Keep the requests coming - especially any specifics in terms of which problems a feature like this may solve!
This is great news. From my part, I would like to see
- 1. Automatic network topology discovery, i.e., Logicmonitor would automatically scan the network and discover how devices are connected together and with what protocols. The information is partly there by just running nmap between every host.
- 2. Decent visualisation of the network topology, where you can zoom in on different parts of the network and navigate to a device's datssource easily
- 3. Decent management from the network topology visualisation, where you can click/search servers and say things like "everything connected to this machine by one node is now going into scheduled down time". I'm thinking regular expression matching would be really powerful in combination with this.
If this does not exist THIS IS A REQUIREMENT!!!!!! I have 100's of alerts at this point in time that can be triggered if something goes down in a key system. How is it that this monitoring system does not have this feature as of yet? for Managed Service Providers having the ability to squelch alarms when parent systems and or services go down is a de facto standard.
- On 5/15/2017 at 7:58 PM, Annie Dunham said:
There is definitely movement. We opted to solve the problem of drawing network and service maps first, as visualizing these relationships is step one. That is underway, and dependencies are slotted to follow.
Dependencies (manual, if needed) are more important than any automation. ...especially if it means waiting 6 more months while the complex automated dependency mapping is done.
Please, just get us dependencies.
Multiple "parents" is necessary, as well. (e.g., a VM is dependent on the Host on which it runs, the storage on which it resides, storage switches, upstream switches, etc.
I upvote this,and suggest the same for web services.
As I used to tease before: Nagios can do this.. :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">
- Keimond
Please include "Grouping" too :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20"> We just got flooded with a bunch of pages last night because a server went down which caused instances from several datasources to go down.. OUCH! It would be great to group instances so that if one goes down.. that group pages and says hey something is wrong with this server.. then we can log in and go check.. rather than getting flooded by everything.
Same idea with grouping of servers... I could call a group "HKG POP"... a server goes down that I have put in that group.. or any instance alerts a critical.. just that one group pages and says hey a critcal event has happened in the HKG POP.... and if other servers go down... it's not going to page again if it already has and hasn't been resolved. ( I can see a few gotchas in there.. but with enough configuration choices.. the company can decide how they want to handle situations )
/topic/1475-alert-triage-ie-grouping-alert-reduction?do=embed" style="height:221px;max-width:502px;"> @Steve Francis Thank you for this, Steve! Can website ping checks be used as primary devices/values for 'depends_on'?
I vote yes also
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