6 years ago
Automated RBL Check
I know this is out there :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">
I would love Logicmonitor to have the ability to check IPs for inclusion in the most popular RBL list.
Ok, I wrote a powershell script that will check a list of IPs against rbl-check.org and return any RBLs that have the given IP listed.
$IPList = "x.x.x.x","y.y.y.y" # The list will need to be supplied by Lomo.
foreach($IP in $IPList){
$result = Invoke-WebRequest http://rbl-check.org/rbl_api.php?ipaddress=$ip -UseBasicParsing
$rbl = $result.content.split("`r`n") | Select-String -Pattern '\;listed'
if($rbl){$output = $rbl}
if($output){return $output}else{return 0}
Now I have to go re-learn how to write custom datasources and covert the above to work with Lomo. Then I think I have what I waned. Automated alerts if a supplied IP is included on any RBL list. (At least any RBL list that rbl-check.org searches.)