Allow websites to clear alerts immediately instead of showing the site as Down even though it's Up.
This has been a thorn in our sides for years and I didn't know why it was doing what it's doing. Then I found out it was designed this way and got the "Working as Designed" from support and told to submit a Feature Request into the black hole....
Reminder; Working As Designed is only a good excuse when the Design is Good. When the Design is Bad, as in this case, Working As Designed is a bad thing.
With resources, I have two options for how alerts are handled:
- Alert Trigger Interval (number of failures before an alert is created)
- Alert Clear Interval (how many successes before the alert clears)
For a website, I have the first option but not the second option. It uses the same setting for both, which is horrible. This means that websites will show as Down/Alert in LM for5-60 minutes After the site is back UP and running just fine. IMHO, this is just dumb. Why would I want a site to show down when it's not?
Taken from this page (
For example:
If you have configured the website to generate an alert after 7 consecutive failed checks, an alert is sent after (7-1) x 10= 60 minutes. So when the checks fail continuously for a minimum of 60 minutes, an alert is generated. Also, when the checks pass for a minimum of 60 minutes, the alert is cleared.
Why on earth would anyone want their website to show DOWN for 60 MINUTES after you fixed the problem? If I get paged in the middle of the night to fix a website, I want it to show Up Instantly after I get it to start working again. I don't ever want it to show down for an hour. If I fix it and go back to bed, and then something happens 55 minutes later, I won't get a new alert, because it will still be under the original alert, and I won't know there's a New problem.
I don't consider this a feature request. I consider this fixing something that was implemented with a flawed design. But here we are. I was hoping this would be one of those things that was changed in V4, but I don't see the option there either. This is just one of the many ways that Websites were implemented as an afterthought and missing some of the basic settings that resources have.
Please fix this.