Forum Discussion

Keimond's avatar
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4 years ago

Allow for custom number in consecutive polls

I have a request to alert on > 40 on cpu wait after 15 minutes... my polling is at the default one minute and I'd like to leave it at that, but consecutive polls is a drop down menu and let's me select 10 then 20... which means I can only alert at 11 or 19 minutes.. can this field allow a person to set a custom number please ?

  • 23 minutes ago, Keimond said:

    I have a request to alert on > 40 on cpu wait after 15 minutes... my polling is at the default one minute and I'd like to leave it at that, but consecutive polls is a drop down menu and let's me select 10 then 20... which means I can only alert at 11 or 19 minutes.. can this field allow a person to set a custom number please ?

    Sorry I discovered one more item while trying to set this up for a customer. So I added a complex data point for CPU Wait Percentage... then I went back to the device I needed the threshold on and set a custom threshold there... however, I can't set a custom consecutive polls there.. this should be allowed.

    For example,
    Maybe on our DB servers we want to be alerted if the CPU has been over 80% for 10 minutes but on web servers we want to be alerted if the CPU has been over 75% for 15 minutes.

    The only way I could do that today is to create a new data source which isn't a huge deal breaker... but if you've been running LM for say 2 years and oops now we have that need, I have to create a new data source and lose my history for whatever devices that I had to create a new data source for... unless I want to give my data source a new name... but that gets ugly.. nor do I want to manage a bunch of data sources :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

  • Good Lord having this would be a godsend.

    As a MSP, we always fall into the situation where either:

    1. 1) We have 30-40 duplicates versions of a datasource we have no choice but to make (which is quite unmanageable)
    2. 2) We have to tell several customers NO, we will NOT make custom polling for you

    Hope this happens 



  • Anonymous's avatar

    Alert trigger interval, as well as alert clear interval, are global settings, unfortunately. There are several requests in to get that setting applicable to groups, resources, and instances. Your request will help get it prioritized.

    Yes, the workaround is a separate datasource, which has all the disadvantages you listed.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    I believe it's on the roadmap to make this setting one that you can configure on the group/device/instance level. I know it's been requested a few times.

  • On 10/23/2020 at 4:51 PM, azia said:

    Good Lord having this would be a godsend.

    As a MSP, we always fall into the situation where either:

    1. 1) We have 30-40 duplicates versions of a datasource we have no choice but to make (which is quite unmanageable)
    2. 2) We have to tell several customers NO, we will NOT make custom polling for you

    Hope this happens 




    It would also be useful to us Enterprise customers; we have subsuduary businesses that operate in different ways.

  • On 10/16/2020 at 12:35 PM, Keimond said:

    my polling is at the default one minute and I'd like to leave it at that, but consecutive polls is a drop down menu and let's me select 10 then 20... which means I can only alert at 11 or 19 minutes.

    The alert trigger interval is the number of polls beyond the initial poll at 0 seconds that have to show a violation of the threshold before an alert is generated. Meaning that a value of 10 means 11 total polls with one of those polls happens at 0s. This means that a value of 10 actually means a 10 minute window (11 polls). A value of 20 means a 20 minute window (21 polls). 

    Still doesn't give you 15, but thought I'd clear that up.